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El Padre Coffee

Brazil Espirito Santo

Brazil Espirito Santo

Regular price $14.99
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Origin: State of Espiritu Santo, Brazil

Process: Semi Washed Wet Hulled

Roast: Full City Dark

Profile: Bold not Bitter

Weight: 12oz

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This coffee is velvet smooth.  Think bold and not bitter.  It has bright highlights that harmonize perfectly with a big full body.  There is a bit of citrus up front that lightens earthy and toasty back flavors.  We think it is the coffee equivalent of a warm welcome from a new friend.  It’s one to cozy up with.

Black velvet smoothness. This dark roast will extract beautifully in a French press.  Great beans for the espresso nerds, too.  This coffee is forgiving, responsive, and won’t let you get in its way.  Espirto Santo will deliver an exceptional experience. 



Look for roasted almond, cocoa, and warm honey. Experience a smooth mouthfeel and cheerful afterglow. Taste the hint of sweetness on the first sip and let the nuttiness and chocolate develop. It's a full body powerhouse. We don’t judge creamers, promise, but this coffee lacks bitterness … try it black.

  • Roasted Almond

  • Cocoa

  • Honey

The Story

Espirito Santo is renowned for small-sized family farms on steep mountainous terrain on the central coastline of Brazil. The terrain is demanding, and coffee producers must hand-harvest only the ripest fruit. The high misty terrain allows the producers to use a natural wet hulled process that contributes to the bean’s unique flavor profile. The coffee gods smiled upon Espirito Santo. It has the environment for growing extreme quality coffee beans.